Feeling Tuned Out

Tips for Feeling More Alive

The opening verses of Matthew 28 tell the story of Jesus's resurrection. In Matthew's account, an angel rolled back the stone covering the tomb, and the guards "trembled and became like dead men" (Matt. 28:4, ESV). It appears the soldiers passed out because of their fear.

Circumstances and events can seem so overwhelming that they cause our brain to tune out. We may shut down completely and collapse. We may dissociate and not remember details of events—or even the events themselves. We may feel invisible or numb or frozen.

Tuning out can help us cope temporarily, but remaining in a tuned-out state can damage our relationships and cause other problems in our lives. As hard as it may be, sometimes we need to carefully and slowly begin tuning in to life again.

Here are some ideas for getting unstuck from a tuned out state:


Changing your physical sensations can help you tune back into life.

  • Go for a walk, even a short one. If your energy is really low, you may need to just imagine yourself walking at first.

  • Take a shower. Experiment with the temperature of the water to see if cold or hot water helps you feel more alert.

  • Find a scented candle or essential oil that helps you feel more awake.

  • Play different types of music to see what kind of music helps you feel more energetic.

  • Consider making an appointment with a physician to make sure an imbalance of vitamins or hormones is not impacting your energy.


  • Use thought stopping and thought replacement. When you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, say something to yourself like, “Stop it!” Then refocus your thoughts onto more peaceful or productive thoughts that you have planned in advance—maybe a verse of scripture or the lyrics of a song.

  • Draw or paint a picture of something you find beautiful and life-giving.


  • Search the internet for “encouraging Bible verses” and spend some time meditating on these verses.

  • Reach out to a pastor or someone you trust to help you wrestle through spiritual discouragement.


  • Reach out to an encouraging friend.

  • Consider connecting with a counselor to help you navigate this season of your life.


  • Brighten your environment. Open the curtains or blinds. Clean up any accumulated clutter in your space.

  • Get a change of scenery. Find a place where you can be around people. Or take a walk in nature. Go wading in a stream. Do something different!