Financial Assistance
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White County Caring and Sharing (Cleveland)
White County Caring and Sharing helps residents of White County by providing assistance with housing, utilities, fuel, and other items. WCCS does NOT provide assistance with any type of deposits, phone bills, cable TV, Internet, or any other non-essential items.
Help With Food
There is not a universally accepted definition or model for Christian counseling. For some people, Christian counseling is what happens when a pastor or fellow church member gives helpful advice. Other people may believe Christian counseling is what happens when a licensed counselor who is a Christian helps a paying client by focusing mostly on spiritual issues. Christian counseling can also mean that a licensed counselor who is a Christian uses a variety of processes and techniques to help a person deal with a mental disorder as described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-5). All of those scenarios have been described as “Christian counseling.” Although we at Northeast Georgia Christian Counseling don’t claim to have the only “correct” definition of Christian counseling, we define Christian counseling in our context as “professional counseling anchored in Christian values.” Practically speaking, that definition means that we employ counselors who are licensed mental health professionals or who are working toward licensure and that our counselors affirm the Baptist Faith and Message, a document that summarizes what most Southern Baptist churches believe about God, people, the Bible, and other Christian doctrines.
Help With Housing
Ninth District Opportunity xxx